Page name: We're all Losers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-09-16 18:05:07
Last author: Avatar15
Owner: Ayaka
# of watchers: 32
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By: [Ayaka]

I'm a Loser, and if your here so are you.

Losers are here, and there, you really can't avoid them! So now there's a place where you can NEVER avoid them, and where they can gather and talk!


banner made by [WonderTweek]..heh I tried
YAAAY [Eiri Yuki]


A list of losers...
1) [Ayaka] YAY WERE LOSERS!!
2) [Akeatia]It's true... I suck...
3) [Erykun] 1'/\/\ 4 FU(K1|\|G ]053R! \/\/00T
4) [hybkybfvyjjygiy] Im a loser (but if anyone ask's im cool) SEE TOTAL LOSER
5) [Dark Mousy the Kaitou] define loser.^^
7) [Big Willie ya'll] loser it society, dead in life
8) [zinka] is here
9) [the_short_one] I suck!!!
10) [runnybabbit] Haha... -royal trumpets blare, pronouncing the Emporess of Losers- Hello, my fellow kinsmen!
11) [LetMePass]
12) [light.] Imbrace ur idioticness.. << >> yes that would be a word, I'm so much of a loser i make up my own frickin words! ^^ Wooooop!
13) [better things to do]3 cheers 4 loserness
14) [deleted12344567 89]in the dictionary next to the word losers theirs a picture of me
15) [You're Dumb]hi!
16) [Goodbye Forever] I'm a loser 4 life ._.
17) [the missed] yep yep
18) [WonderTweek] L
19) [kabutali]
20) [STFU] I'm such a loser that at [Erykun]'s house I kept getting hurt on [Erykun]'s vaccum. *blushing*
21) [JapaneseMiko] I have no life....that's pretty loserish.
22) [Eiri Yuki] sam...sam what the fuck we are losers
23) [Feasting on Needles] THE FAN BIT ME! >.>
24) [full.blooded Robot]
25) [Wrath Of Loki] I like playing with my shirt buttons!
26) [Ouka]I love being a loser...
27) [love is confusing] i'm a loser at least that's wut everyone else thinks but i like being a loser
28) [DemonBunny (penguins will rule you all)] I like J-ello!
29) [Kumagoro] <<;
30) [Suguru]whatever
31) [IX.Dollface] Mmmm...J-e-l-l-o XP
32) [Nicoda].........
33) [Skw3rlch4n] I'M A MARCHING BAND LOSER!!! X3
34) [Ryuichi]
35) [Lanrete] just ask my friends... They're losers too!
36)[silverraven66699] I'm A Gothic Nerd And No ONe Knows I'm There because I'm A Ghost!
37)[Glassphyxie.] I just suck >.>
38)[Tenten-Neji] *is scared and hides and mutters* loser....
39)[tosadtolive] loser..... sad loser....
40)[akroshii] we are all of us no matter how cool people think they are we are all equal and we are all losers
41)[Tanzi Took]Because i am
43)[Firelord] i'll be proud to be a loser from here to eternity
44.[Avatar15] Fear me~! =w=;
45.[Gohun] hi losers friend and all
46.[Greeds Gurlie ^-^]]337
47.[redfoxBT] ima loser! >w<;
48.[orchidflame] being a loser is one of the greatest things you can ever be!

Username (or number or email):


2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: hey i don't even remember how this happend

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: me either really... lol

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: lol

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: *nuzzles* bord and horny now.... everybody dance with joy from it! *dances*

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: *dances with you*

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: *get's really close to you, moves slows* i like this kind of dancing....

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: *rubs agenst you* so do i

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: *blushes* d-did you me talking in my sleep on shuichi's wiki the other night?

2006-08-03 [Erykun]: *gets in front of Eiri and rubs body against you*

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: meep.... *tail fluffs up*

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: yay i samwich and i'm in the middle *rubs agenst both of you*

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: *blushes and tail fluffs up more, steps back and covers mouth* Damn him... Damn him to to the deepest firey pit in Hell...

2006-08-03 [Erykun]: *rubs groin against you*

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: *moans softly, blood runs through fingers* I hate him for making me what I am... I have a pic of the bite mark...

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: *pulls raven over to me* your ok we still love ya

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: *uncover mouth and smirks* Yeah, you'll love me tell I try and give you one hell of hickie on your neck... *winks*

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: *licks you* well see *smerks and winks*

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: *nuzzles your chest* The rules say it doesn't have to be the neck... *nerdy evil smirk*

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: exsactly

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: *giggles* He was a nerd. I was a nerd. We had hot nerdy necking... *nods and sighs* Yeah...

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: *licks you* yeah sounds fun

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: *shivers and licks back* wana try it?

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: *smerks* why not *licks you back* i love trying new things

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: *nuzzles your neck and licks it* my wiki, that way we won't get yelled at..

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: ok

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: ok ^^

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: lol erin

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: ^^

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: *pokes you* ^^

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: *wiggles* tickles *giggles*

2006-08-03 [Erykun]: ...

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: lol

2006-08-03 [silverraven66699]: *blushes* I'm so busted!! lol

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: *pokes erin*

2006-08-03 [Erykun]: *looks at eiri*

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: *kisses you* i love you

2006-08-03 [Erykun]: I love you too...

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: *hugs you leening on you*

2006-08-03 [Erykun]: *nuzzles softy*

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: i'll always love you

2006-08-03 [Erykun]: I know...and I you

2006-08-03 [Eiri Yuki]: *hugs you tight*

2006-08-03 [Erykun]: *kisses you gentally

2006-08-04 [Eiri Yuki]: *kisses you back*

2006-08-04 [Erykun]: *smiles* I love you so much

2006-08-04 [Danboo]: BLAH

2006-08-05 [silverraven66699]: Awwwww! How Major Sweet!! *eyes tear up* And before you say "are you crying?" I just got something in my eyes... THAT'S ALLL!!! *eyes tear more*

2006-08-05 [Danboo]: do you need a hug silverraven

2006-08-05 [Akeatia]: GO LOSERS!!!

2006-08-06 [silverraven66699]: *sighs*A chick at the pub told me this a few hours ago when I was there... "Hugs are like sugar... You get to many and they make you sick to your stomacke." lol *nerdy smiles*

2006-08-06 [Danboo]: no hugs are like eating soup with a fork, you can never get enough

2006-08-07 [silverraven66699]: *smirks and falls over laughing nerdly* Nice!

2006-08-07 [Eiri Yuki]: lol that was good

2006-08-07 [silverraven66699]: *rubs ass* ok, i laughed so hard i fell over and hurt my ass... but i was so worth it!!!

2006-08-08 [Erykun]: *walks in and wraps arms around eiri and nuzzles her* I missed you like HELL! DAMN! *kisses you hard*

2006-08-08 [Eiri Yuki]: *frenches you hard and wet* i misses you like hell

2006-08-08 [Danboo]: ..uum...

2006-08-08 [Erykun]: *giggles* I missed you MORE! I didn't even have internet OR CABLE! T~T I missed you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! *frenches hard*

2006-08-09 [Eiri Yuki]: *wraps arms around you*

2006-08-09 [Erykun]: *kisses deeply*

2006-08-09 [Eiri Yuki]: *keep kiss going*

2006-08-09 [Danboo]: oook...i'll be over there*points then walks away from them to a tree ahead*

2006-08-09 [silverraven66699]: What The Mother Funkin' Hell!! *falls onto bed and sighs hard* My Life Sucks MAJOR TOTAL MONKEY ASS BARS!!!! *screams into a pillow at top of lunges*

2006-08-09 [Erykun]: *moans softly and frenches*

2006-08-09 [silverraven66699]: I'm out of here, later.. That is if I'm still living later..

2006-08-09 [Danboo]: ok

2006-08-09 [silverraven66699]: I'm back. *pain filled look on her face* I hate my school. My town.. My Fuckin' LIFE!...

2006-08-09 [Danboo]: what happened

2006-08-09 [silverraven66699]: *rubs eyes and face* My school says I am no longer a student there, and school starts next week I think..

2006-08-09 [Danboo]: aww, im sorry*hugs silverraven*

2006-08-09 [silverraven66699]: not your fault, it's theirs...

2006-08-09 [Danboo]: i know..

2006-08-09 [silverraven66699]: yea, please call mr raven. im starting to hate the word silver...

2006-08-09 [Danboo]: why

2006-08-09 [Eiri Yuki]: *hugs raven*

2006-08-09 [Erykun]: *nuzzles raven*

2006-08-09 [Eiri Yuki]: it will be ok

2006-08-09 [Ayaka]: Anna, I'll kill you

2006-08-09 [Eiri Yuki]: lol i know

2006-08-09 [Ayaka]: wait... you can blackmail me.... nevermind ^^" forget i said anything!

2006-08-10 [Erykun]: .> heheh

2006-08-10 [Ayaka]: O.O..... *slowly inches away*

2006-08-10 [Eiri Yuki]: lol

2006-08-10 [Danboo]: ???

2006-08-10 [Eiri Yuki]: hi dan-kun

2006-08-10 [Danboo]: hey, whats sammy talking about?

2006-08-10 [Erykun]: heheh *eyes ayaka* does that mean me and Eiri can do as we please?

2006-08-10 [Danboo]: ??

2006-08-10 [silverraven66699]: oh lord... im gone huntin' and come back to hugs, nuzzles, and blackmail... *eyes tear up* I am so proud of you all... *sniffles a little* So, very proud...

2006-08-11 [Eiri Yuki]: no it just i have some vary sexy p...well let just say i have her "stuck" to something *evil smerk* >:>

2006-08-11 [Erykun]: heheh

2006-08-11 [Eiri Yuki]: i know i'm bad

2006-08-11 [silverraven66699]: lol, nice.. *sniffles more* so proud still..

2006-08-11 [Eiri Yuki]: lol

2006-08-11 [Erykun]: *licks Eiri*

2006-08-11 [Eiri Yuki]: *smile creps on face*

2006-08-11 [Erykun]: I get to fuck you remember? right here RIGHT now

2006-08-11 [Eiri Yuki]: oohh shit

2006-08-11 [Erykun]: *strips you and cuffs you* I'm gonna fuck you into next month!

2006-08-11 [Eiri Yuki]: noooo

2006-08-11 [Erykun]: *thrusts into your ass and fucks you hard riping you making you bleed*

2006-08-11 [silverraven66699]: *sniffles and cries* MY BABIES ARE ALL GROWN UP!!! *cries loud and hard*

2006-08-11 [Eiri Yuki]: *screams*

2006-08-11 [Erykun]: *giggles and thrusts into you harder and faster* notice which wiki were on Eiri?

2006-08-11 [Eiri Yuki]: shit samd going to KILLL US smash us in to fucking pulp

2006-08-11 [Erykun]: *giggles* oh well *nuzzles you*

2006-08-12 [Eiri Yuki]: oww oww oww

2006-08-12 [Erykun]: *licks you and keeps thrusting*

2006-08-12 [silverraven66699]: *covers ears* I'M NO LISTENING!!! LA LA LA LA!!

2006-08-13 [Eiri Yuki]: *screams*

2006-08-13 [Erykun]: *grins* heheh Eiri is hard :3~~ REALLY hard ;3

2006-08-13 [silverraven66699]: *ears still covered* STILL NOT LISTENING!!! LA LA LA LA LA

2006-08-13 [Erykun]: *keeps fucking eiri*

2006-08-13 [silverraven66699]: *sits in corner, sings along with song she's listening to*

2006-08-14 [Eiri Yuki]: *pants and screams*

2006-08-14 [silverraven66699]: *sings more*

2006-08-14 [Erykun]: Mmm...*pants softly and cums inside you* heh your MY bitch now

2006-08-14 [silverraven66699]: *scrams bloody murder* AHHHH!!!! GOD DAMNIT D!!!! GET OFF ME!!!!! I'M MOTHER FUCKIN' TAKEN BY GV!!!

2006-08-14 [Eiri Yuki]: *cums on you and me*

2006-08-14 [Erykun]: *moans and licks it up* Mm...heh yummy

2006-08-14 [silverraven66699]: *smacks D*

2006-08-14 [Eiri Yuki]: lets stop *pants*

2006-08-14 [silverraven66699]: *sighs and sings sadly*

2006-08-14 [Erykun]: aww ok love *gets up and zips pants up*

2006-08-14 [silverraven66699]: *takes a small pic out of skirt pocket, talks to it, forgets eiri and shu are in room* Why? Why do you act like that. You know I don't it that man.. *crys softly*

2006-08-15 [Eiri Yuki]: *relaxes and pants*

2006-08-15 [silverraven66699]: *sighs* I think I'm the dick. Not D... *thinks about it*

2006-08-15 [Erykun]: *smirks and sits down*

2006-08-15 [silverraven66699]: *grabs crouch* Nope. He's the dick, 'cause I sure as hell don't got one...

2006-08-15 [Erykun]: hm? *feels your crotch* sure don't

2006-08-15 [silverraven66699]: *shivers and bites lip* m-m-m-m-mmeeeeep!

2006-08-15 [Erykun]: *giggles*

2006-08-15 [silverraven66699]: *whole body starts turnig red*

2006-08-16 [Eiri Yuki]: *gets up* owww my ass hurts

2006-08-16 [Erykun]: well now you know how I feel all the time xD~~ except I didn't prep you so your ass is bleeding a bit xD

2006-08-16 [Eiri Yuki]: SHIT ERIN!! *hobels to bathroom*

2006-08-16 [Erykun]: *laughs meicingly* heheh...mwahahahaha

2006-08-16 [silverraven66699]: *eyes get wide*

2006-08-16 [Erykun]: yes raven?

2006-08-16 [silverraven66699]: *staires blankly out window* He's back....

2006-08-17 [Eiri Yuki]: *comes out with tears in eyes* y-your mean

2006-08-17 [Erykun]: Mmm...and your sexy! *frenches*

2006-08-17 [silverraven66699]: Back! BAck! BACk! BACK!! He's back for me!! YAHOO!!!!

2006-08-17 [Eiri Yuki]: Mmm

2006-08-17 [silverraven66699]: *freezes* no one..

2006-08-17 [Erykun]: *moans softly and pulls away*

2006-08-17 [silverraven66699]: *sighs* False alarm.. it's just my brother...

2006-08-17 [Eiri Yuki]: *sighs and closes eyes*

2006-08-17 [Erykun]: *snuggles up to you* heheh

2006-08-17 [Eiri Yuki]: *flinches* caful i'm in hella pain

2006-08-17 [Erykun]: heheh your not a virgin ;)

2006-08-17 [silverraven66699]: AH MAN!!! Dad sent you didn't he Sage...
(blonde haired man sits on the window seal*
S: Yea. he wanted me to check up on you. You a week ago and haven't been back to the castle.. he is worried sicck about you ya know...
R: I know, but he hurt my feelings and my Master. So if I don't return, he'll just have one of 79 wives pop out another kid to replace me.. To bad it'll be a boy, I love you guys, but 700 of ya'll is to much to be around for long periods of time...
S: Yea, but your *smacks hands together and fludders eyelids* Master!! Come lookin' for ya about a hour ago.. We told him you ran off to be some Sex thingy with your friends.... *low laugh*
R: BASTARD!!! I'M GOIN' TO KILL YOU!!!!! *pulls out pure silver sword*

2006-08-17 [Erykun]: *pounces on this dude and punches his face in* YOU BASTARD!!!

2006-08-17 [Eiri Yuki]: o-o *waches*

2006-08-18 [silverraven66699]: *grabs shu's by the shirt and pulls them aprt* BACK OFF SHU! I'm the- *voice is tear filled sounding* I'm the one who has to do... But thanks anyway... Let's go outside, I don't on the carpet Sage...
S: Hey sis?
R: Yea? What is it bro?
S: Do you love me?
R: Yea, like any sister should love her brother, why?
S: No! *coughs lightly* I mean like you love your- *low grolw* love your Master?
R: *stops walking, sighs hard* At one time in my life I did love you that. But that was before Father came to the village for me when I 13... That's when I knew I was one of you, well half anyways.... I used to dream of us, happy, loving each other, then... Well, dad came the night of my 13 birthday during the big party for me, my mother told me to run. But I just stood there with the deer in headlights looks on my face.. She yelled and screamed for me to run... No, I stood there looking at you and dad... I thought you had came to take me away to some magick place... He had to say, "It is time to face your fate my daughter. Face your true nature.."
S: You remember that? But? I thought he wiped your mind?
R: He did. But dreams tell us many a things...
S: Oh... *sihgs and looks up* If? if we weren't related would you have loved me like your Master?
R: *laughs madly, falls over onto floor* Now. That was the most stupid thing I have been ask in my life bro.. Didn't you hear what I told you a few minutes ago? Nut case... *puts sword away* Tell Father I'll return to the castle come morrow's night... *smirks* Go! Before I change my mind!
S: *nods and leaves quickly*
R: Brothers... Can't live with them, can't, well yea you could live without them... lol

2006-08-18 [Erykun]: @.@

2006-08-18 [Eiri Yuki]: lol

2006-08-18 [silverraven66699]: Heh *evil smirk* DAD IS GONNA KILL ME!!! lol No he wont cause I'm his lil' baby girl... *sucks thumb*

2006-08-18 [Erykun]: lol

2006-08-18 [silverraven66699]: *smiles and sucks thumb more, stops and pouts* I dont lil' girls are suppost to have these things! *grabs boobs*

2006-08-18 [Erykun]: xD

2006-08-18 [Eiri Yuki]: lol

2006-08-18 [Erykun]: *rapes anna...................................................again*

2006-08-18 [silverraven66699]: DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIDN'T NEED TO SEE THAT BEFORE BED!!!!!><

2006-08-18 [Eiri Yuki]: ERIN!!!

2006-08-18 [Erykun]: *moans in Anna's ear* you know you loved it xD

2006-08-18 [Eiri Yuki]: *kisses you*

2006-08-18 [Erykun]: *frenches and cuffs your hands behind your back and puts a collar and leash on you*

2006-08-18 [Eiri Yuki]: HEY erin!!

2006-08-18 [Erykun]: *smirks*

2006-08-18 [silverraven66699]: SHUICHI!!!! CALM DOWN!!! HORN DOG!!!! lol

2006-08-18 [Erykun]: I CAN'T SHE MADE ME LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!

2006-08-18 [silverraven66699]: *sighs and grabs a small silver bucket contents of which is ice, pulls your pants out and dumps contents down them* Better?

2006-08-18 [Erykun]: *moans* oh my! *pants*

2006-08-18 [silverraven66699]: *evil dirty nerdy techno goth smirk* I thought that would help you Shu...

2006-08-18 [Erykun]: *moans* I love ice play raven dont you? *lifts your shirt up and slides a peice down your back*

2006-08-19 [Ayaka]: ERIN!!!!!!! I'LL MURDER YOU!!!!!

2006-08-19 [Erykun]: *crys* I...I co-couldn't help it!!! *crys more*

2006-08-19 [Ayaka]: you can't fool me with tears!!!!!!

2006-08-19 [Erykun]: *crys and runs away* Meeeeeeeeeeeeanyyyyyyy

2006-08-19 [Ayaka]: not on my wiki erin!!!!!!

2006-08-19 [Erykun]: :( I didn't realize till we already started

2006-08-19 [Ayaka]: *twitch* never again!

2006-08-19 [Erykun]: I'm not even in the mood anymore...*curls up in a ball*

2006-08-19 [Ayaka]: oh, stop pouting.

2006-08-19 [silverraven66699]: THAT! COLD!!! KILL! NOW!!! *nuzzles shuichi, licks your cheek*

2006-08-19 [Erykun]: ...I mean it sam...

2006-08-19 [Ayaka]: raven...... *glare**twitch*

2006-08-19 [silverraven66699]: *nerdy laugh of fright* I'll be good... *backs away from shuichi*

2006-08-19 [Ayaka]: as I thought

2006-08-19 [silverraven66699]: *sighs* Man... I never get to have "Real" fun anymore... *sighs again*

2006-08-19 [Ayaka]: leave it away from here

2006-08-19 [silverraven66699]: by "Real" fun, i mean in real life and not on the computer...

2006-08-19 [Ayaka]: ewwwwwww.... ew. just EW!!!!!!

2006-08-19 [Erykun]: with your master?

2006-08-19 [silverraven66699]: *loks around* Master? What Master? I have no idea what your talking about Shuichi.... *nervous laugh* *thinks to self( Almost caught, but he lives in KY... To far away... La sigh...)*

2006-08-19 [silverraven66699]: And I mean going to clubs and stuff like that!!! Dirty lil' minds...

2006-08-19 [Erykun]: ....w/e...*gets up*

2006-08-19 [silverraven66699]: *giggles* I j/k I know what you where talking about and what you were think Shuichi... I could see it in your eyes...

2006-08-19 [Ayaka]: grr *glares*

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